_d_e_p_t_h Specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared.
The initial value is 1.
ffffggggllllCCCClllleeeeaaaarrrrDDDDeeeepppptttthhhh specifies the depth value used by ffffggggllllCCCClllleeeeaaaarrrr to clear the
depth buffer. Values specified by ffffggggllllCCCClllleeeeaaaarrrrDDDDeeeepppptttthhhh are clamped to the range
GGGGLLLL____IIIINNNNVVVVAAAALLLLIIIIDDDD____OOOOPPPPEEEERRRRAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN is generated if ffffggggllllCCCClllleeeeaaaarrrrDDDDeeeepppptttthhhh is executed between
the execution of ffffggggllllBBBBeeeeggggiiiinnnn and the corresponding execution of ffffggggllllEEEEnnnndddd.